5 Reasons Your Beard Stops Growing And How to Fix it

5 Reasons Your Beard Stops Growing And How To Fix It

There’s nothing more terrifying for a beardsman, or any man for that matter, to realize that his facial hair just doesn’t seem to be growing anymore.

You might check the mirror 10 times a day to be sure or even get out the measuring tape, driving yourself crazy wondering if you’re imagining things or not.

Can your beard stop growing, though? Why beard stops growing at a certain length?

Facial hair grows in different life cycles, just like on other parts of our body, and this growth can stop completely.

There are different reasons for this including hormones, stress, and diet, but the good news is, each of them can be rectified to get the hair growing again.

If you’ve noticed a definite shortage in the hair growth department or think that your beard stopped growing completely, there’s no need to stress.

We’ve uncovered some of the common reasons that facial hair growth grinds to a halt and what you can do to rectify them so you can get your beard back to being long and luscious in no time at all.

The Life Cycle of Hair


To understand a bit more about why your beard stopped growing, you need to learn about the life cycle of hair. The human body has hair all over it and these hairs all follow a specific cycle of hair growth, beard growth cycle is not an exception. 

There are three main phases of hair growth called the Anagen Phase, Catagen Phase, and Telogen Phase, which determine how long it grows and when it stops, and once it hits beard terminal length, it stops growing altogether.

The Anagen Phase

When you look at your entire body, every single hair growing on it is likely in this stage of growth.

The Anagen Phase is where your hair will spend most of its time and it’s important because it’s when the hair follicle develops in the skin and the hair starts to grow.

This stage can last up to six years but it differs depending on the person and their genetics, which is why some people seem better at growing beards than others.

The Catagen Phase

Once your hair ends the important Anagen Phase of growth, it transitions into the Catagen Phase.

At this point, the hair stops growing and the follicle reduces in size. A standard Catagen Phase only lasts a few weeks and this signals the end of hair growth entirely.

The Telogen Phase

Once the growing is done and the hair follicles have shrunk, The Telogen Phase begins. During this time, the hair falls out of the follicles, and you might even notice it fall off your head or face as well.

The space where the hair was is dormant for a month or two before the new ones start to develop, entering once again into the Anagen Phase.

However, beard growth phases are different than the other parts of the body.

Facial Hair and Terminal Length


In addition to these important hair cycles, every human body has what’s called a ‘terminal length’ for hair.

This means that your hair is only capable of growing to a certain point, no matter what you might do to kickstart it or try to promote further growth.

Although we each have a facial hair terminal length, other external factors can contribute to growth or lack thereof.

Terminal length is different for every part of your facial hair which is why you might have noticed that your mustache grows at a different rate to your chin or neck.

Every human has a different genetic makeup that determines hair growth and terminal length, so it’s never ideal to try and compete with another man about whose hair can grow the longest.

In general, a mustache’s terminal length is around three inches, but underneath our chins and neck, it grows a lot longer.

This allows you to grow a long beard if you want to, with many men never hitting that terminal length because their desired length for a beard will come first.

Surprisingly, the chin has one of the shortest terminal lengths, even though most people assume that this is where most of the beard length comes from.

The Most Common Reasons Why Beard Stopped Growing

The Most Common Reasons Why Your Beard Stopped Growing

There’s nothing we can do about our terminal length because it’s written into our DNA, but that’s not the only thing that causes your beard to stop growing.

As men, we’re prone to a lot of things that can prevent hair from growing or cause breakages, so consider whether one of these is to blame for your sudden lack of beard growth. Here’re some of the reasons why and when beard stops growing.


Hormones are to blame for pretty much everything that goes on in our bodies, including how well our beards grow.

The two hormones responsible for beard growth are testosterone which prepares the follicles and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes the actual hair growth.

Any imbalance in hormones could lead to a sudden change in how your hair grows, but since synthetic hormones are dangerous, you need to improve testosterone levels naturally.

This can be done with protein, so consider adding some extra beans and legumes to your diet.


There’s simply no avoiding stress in life, but if you’re not managing it well, this can lead to poor beard growth. Take a good look at the factors in your life that might be causing you stress and make a conscious effort to change them.

Partake in regular exercise, let go of some commitments that aren’t crucial, and focus on your mental wellbeing just as you would your physical.

The shorter your stress levels are, the longer your beard will grow, so it’s the perfect incentive to make your life easier.

Diet and Lifestyle

It’s no secret that our diet and lifestyle choices have a huge impact on our physical appearance, and the same goes for beards as well.

To grow a beard, your body needs the right nutrients, and if your diet is lacking in protein and the important vitamins and minerals, this can’t happen.

Consider a total shakeup of your diet to include more protein and fresh fruit and vegetables, and the addition of supplements including vitamins A, B, C, and E.

This will help to increase your hair’s natural terminal length and help you feel a whole lot better as well. 


When you’re trying to fix your beard growth, the answer could be further down than you thought. One common reason why hair growth becomes stunted is that the dead skin cells are messing with production.

Therefore, implementing a basic skincare routine is essential for every man.

A daily facial cleanser to wash away impurities, a moisturizer to protect and hydrate, and a weekly exfoliation to remove dead skin cells are the three steps you need for healthier skin that leads to healthier beard growth.


The hair on your face is just as important as the hair on your head, so you need to start treating it so.

There are some great beard care products out there to keep it in check, so the chances of breakages or poor growth will be reduced.

Consider using a beard balm or beard oil to protect yourself when shaving and stop irritation, and use a dedicated beard shampoo and conditioning product so hair is healthy and luscious.

Hair should be hydrated, trimmed to a healthy length, and protected from the elements to enable it to grow to its full potential.

Related Questions

5 Reasons Your Beard Stops Growing And How to Fix it 1

Nobody ever said growing a beard was easy, but when it feels like the hair isn’t growing at all, you just want answers.

Facial hair can have a mind of its own and if you’re trying to grow yours out, this can be frustrating, and most men will try anything to fix it.

Check out some commonly asked questions about beard growth and how you can help it if you’re stuck in a rut with facial hair that won’t budge.

Does Shaving Make Your Beard Grow Thicker?

The notion that shaving can lead to thicker and more stubborn hair is simply an old wives’ tale and not based on science.

If you’re attempting to grow a thicker beard you should be focused on the health of your hair and yourself, rather than continually shaving it back down to try and stimulate growth.

How Can I Fix a Patchy Beard?

Facial hair has different sections and each of these grow at their own rate and go through the life cycles independently.

If you’ve noticed some areas of your beard are patchy and never seem to grow hair, there’s little you can do about.

The best option is to embrace a beard style that covers this or makes it less obvious because it’s impossible to grow hair where there are no follicles.

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